Saturday 7 April 2012

Book Review: Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell

In my city Hyderabad there is a market for second hand books which is put up every sunday. For people like me who cannot spend more money this place is a gold mine! You get all the famous books and also a few duplicate stuff. I try not to buy pirated stuff but at times have no other option. I have promised myself that once i start earning i will get the books from real book stores. Most of the times i buy second hand books and Tipping point was one such book.
I bought this book after checking out the cover and reading the brief intro about it. I was not sure whether i would like it or not considering how old the book was(both years and the condition of the book!) After reading it i again gained lot of gyaan!
This book answers some interesting questions,
1] Why certain ideas or behaviors get a spark and become a epidemic whereas others don't?
2] Can we deliberately start social epidemics in a positive sense?
The book explains this by using various examples and experiments performed by social scientists and psychologists.It is a very interesting way of explaining and the author makes sure that you get the point. He basically gives three concepts
-> Law of few:Connectors,Mavens
-> Stickiness factor
-> The power of context
Each and every point has been explained in a detailed manner.
You also get to know why fight against smoking is failing, because we are focusing in the wrong direction. Its a interesting way to look at the smoking problem.
Throughout the book the author says how little factors are responsible for major change and how little effort put in the right direction can get you amazing results. These factors are responsible for the ideas to reach their tipping point.
It is a must read book according to me. You should not miss out such a great book.
"In nonfiction, you have that limitation, that constraint, of telling the truth"

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