Thursday 25 July 2013

Ship of Theseus: My thoughts.

On a saturday afternoon, I was aimlessly looking at tweets in the 'lonely' world of Twitter and tried to check what was trending.  To my surprise  #ShipOfTheseus was the trend setter and just to add to that surprise, it wasn't one of those sponsored conversation which promise you those lovely gadgets if you tweet and make it popular!

So when was the last time that people were talking about the movie in social media and not cracking sarcastic jokes on it? Seems like a decade since that has happened! All I saw on twitterland was heaps of praise for the movie and talks about the director's vision.( A rare entity! )

I then did what I do best, Researched ( Googled ) about the movie, read a few reviews, checked trailers, read criticisms and similar stuff on the web. I then decided I think this movie ought to be watched considering the kind of conversations people are having about it. Word of mouth publicity actually working!!

luckily Hyderabad was one of the 5 cities where the producers released the movie, I was so proud to be a hyederabadi! ( False tears). Had booked tickets for an evening show and after facing many obstacles ( not life changing sadly!) boarded the ship!

We were 10 minutes late to the show and I was perpetually swearing at the traffic which was causing all the delay but the only hope for us was those creatively masterpieces of advertisement which come right before the movie and allow audience to settle down, Isn't that the purpose of them anyway?

Talking about the movie, people were watching it with riveting silence even a sneeze by someone in the back row shattered the golden silence. I realized people had taken the those reviews talking about 'life changing movie'  a bit too seriously and were more focused on ensuring they don't miss out on that scene which would make their life better rather than soaking in the movie entirely.

I for that matter sat back and enjoyed the movie with popcorn, and even eating popcorn was a difficult exercise! I thought I was disturbing others by making the sound of chewing popcorn! Such 'informed' audience they were!

Movie did not change my life! However I have to say, it was one of the most thought provoking movies I have ever seen. I was thinking well into midnight about so many sub themes/questions which were raised in the movie, and I felt compelled to do so. 

If you call 'look of the movie' as cinematography then it was pure genius, acting was pure class and direction above all was enthralling to watch! The three stories of Blind photographer, old monk and young stockbroker connect with you at so many levels which is difficult to describe. They ask such amazing questions which make you think for the answer when there isn't any readily available. 

This movie as rightly pointed out by many others is one direction I would love bollywood to go to. Please take some time out and watch this movie, It isn't a movie its an experience worth cherishing.