Saturday 9 February 2013

Special 26:My thoughts

This is not a review,I don't consider myself competent enough to review a movie.I can definitely share my thoughts.
Here are my thoughts about Special 26 the latest Bollywood flick to hit the theaters.

One thing I really appreciate in a movie is Directorial work, Actors certainly play a pivotal role but if Director does not anchor the ship in the right direction then it is sure to sink as many ships have.

Neeraj Pandey,Director of "A Wednesday"(debut) and "Special 26" had impressed all of us with his debut movie which turned out to be a surprise hit. He has once again done commendable job on his second movie as well. He obviously had to take certain leeway from his usual style,nonetheless he hasn't disappointed.

Special 26 is your Hollywood style heist film with emphasis on rapid screenplay and smart twists in script. I am sure most of you know the theme of the movie, however let me give a gist for the benefit of those who haven't got a chance to google about the movie.

A group of con artists( If you can call them) lead by Ajay(Akshay Kumar) pose as CBI officers and raid corrupt businessmen,politicians and flee with their black money.They are unfazed by police since no one wants to complain regarding stolen black money. CBI gets to know about them and sends one of their best (Manoj bajpayee) to stop them. Movie follows the Cat & Mouse game between Real & Fake CBI.

  • Attention to detail:  I am really impressed with Neeraj Pandey for giving attention to the little details which most bollywood directors tend to miss. For Ex: Since the movie is set in 1897, all the things you see on screen are of that era. I could not find any loophole. In one scene all the cars shown on the road are of that era( could have easily ignored the fact) Production department needs to be lauded for the effort. 
  • Brisk Pace: This kind of heist drama needs brisk pace and he has definitely kept the audience on tenterhooks for most part of the movie.
  • Acting: Akshay Kumar,Anupam Kher & Manoj Bajpayee definitely steal the show with commendable support by Jimmy Shergill, Divya Dutta and two other actors( You can google the names)

  • Love story angle: It was definitely not needed, I am sure he had to include it since he dint want only critics to love the movie but also the "Mass" who control the market. It slightly dampens the pace.
Bottom Line

Neeraj Pandey is definitely inspired by Hollywood in right sense, not the usual copy inspired! He has taken a real life incident and crafted a good entertaining movie out of it. You should watch it if you love good quality cinema.